Nothing Will Work Unless you do it: Contextualizing Women Entrepreneurship
Nothing Will Work Unless you do it: Contextualizing Women Entrepreneurship
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and push
women entrepreneurship


This theoretical paper accentuates on the function of women entrepreneurs as the potentially evolving human resource Entrepreneurship specifies the act of setting up a new trade or revitalizing a prevailing trade so as to take return from new opportunities Entrepreneurship can be defined as crafting developing and taking forward a new venture which is colored by personal financial and social risks Today women entrepreneurs are increasing in numbers But it is also a matter of fact that women exit in entrepreneurship too Assuming the dual roles women play in terms of business and managing home front the present paper purports to understand the determinants of engagement in entrepreneurship by women what determines entrepreneurial intention for women opportunity or necessity and what the motivation indicators for entrepreneurial performance are This paper intends to take footing on the existing theory on push and pull factors of entrepreneurship The research intends to identify the factors of human and social arenas directly affecting the growth of female entrepreneurs It furthers our understanding by exploring the main causes of performance diversions among the female entrepreneurs This paper is of interest to researchers who wish to examine aspects related to women as entrepreneurs
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